Sunday, May 16, 2021

How To Disable Right Click On Blogger Blog? || 2 Best Disable Right Click Code script tricks

  How To Disable Right Click On Blogger Blog?   

 2 Best Disable Right Click Code script tricks

1.Disable Right Click Code script tricks

You might have been noticed that some bloggers don't allow copying content from their blogs and to do so they disable the right click on their blog. It means when you select any text from their blogs and do a right-click to copy that content, nothing will happen. This tutorial helps you to get rid of copycats and content stealers. So let's check how to disable right-click on Blogspot blogs.

How To Disable Right Click On Blogger Blog?
How To Disable Right Click On Blogger Blog?

Simply follow the below steps to disable right-click on blogger.

How to Disable Right Click on Blogger Blog

You just need to follow the step by step tutorial as guided below:

STEP 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard, Choose the Theme option and you will see like below.

STEP 2. Under “My theme,” click More More and then Edit HTML.

STEP 2. Under “My theme,” click More More and then Edit HTML.

STEP 3. To search for a piece of code inside the template you need to click on it. After this now you can use the default keyboard search option “Crtl+F” to start the search.   

Ctrl+F And type in Search for in

STEP 4.  Copy Code And paste in Code 

<style type='text/css'>

STEP 5.Save template button is to save template changes

2.Disable Right Click Code script tricks

You just need to follow the step by step tutorial as guided below:
STEP 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard, Choose the Theme option and you will see like below.

STEP 2. Under “My theme,” click More More and then Edit HTML.

STEP 2. Under “My theme,” click More More and then Edit HTML.

STEP 3. To search for a piece of code inside the template you need to click on it. After this now you can use the default keyboard search option “Crtl+F” to start the search.  </body>

To search for a piece of code inside the template you need to click on it. After this now you can use the default keyboard search option “Crtl+F” to start the search

STEP 4.  Copy Code And paste in Code 
$(&#39;body&#39;).bind(&#39;copy cut drag drop&#39;, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); });


STEP 5.Save template button is to save template changes

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